Crowley and Lovecraft could not be more different men, in their personalities, lifestyles, and literary influences. Lovecraft, who cites Poe as a major force in his writing, uses the first person voice to the point that would make the earlier gothic novelists cringe, like Nathaniel Hawthorne, Matthew Arnold, and the Bronte sisters. Crowley's works, such as the Book of Thoth, are written in a ultra-serious manner that relflects his extreme ego, heroin addiction, possible untreated syphilis, and need to convince people of his supernatural abilities. Both men can be considered experts in the occult and as products of Victorian upper class privilege.
Lovecraft was born in Providence, Rhode Island, where he spent most of his life until dying in 1937 to colon cancer. He claimed that he descended from the first settlers in New England, "Mayflower Material."