Here is the pitch for the situational comedy show that is 2 Broke Girls, Anger Management, Black Adder meets Gulag Archipelago. Before you say that's a terrible idea and esoteric, the theme song is "I'm a Steel Man" (Soul Man by Sam and Dave). That should set the tone that this is not history just a mockery of television and the Soviet Union.
The premise its 1938. Stalin's Mom moves into the Kremlin to live with her son and ruins his life. Stalin is a single father trying to raise sons Yakov and Vasily and daughter Svetlana. His two dead wives, Ekaterina and Nadezhda are feuding characters that visit Stalin on a periodic basis. Stalin cant get anything done with his mother hovering and getting in his business about the five year plans, the gulags and why he never called her in Georgia.
Stalins Mom
Stalin's bros are Molotov, Voroshilov and Beria who wander around Kremlin aimlessly pretending to be busy and avoid Vasili Blokhin, the secret police executioner. Blokhin keeps trying to lure people into the basement to shoot them. Blokhin kills at least one guest every episode. This is one of the running gags, like Trotsky being blamed for the rain or soggy pancakes, and keeping young children away from Beria. Beria is like the pedophile George Costanza.
In the first episode we find Stalin and writer, Isaac Babel having a discussion at dinner. Stalin tells Babel, "You have not written anything in twenty years! Why am I paying you? Ill bring Gorky back from the dead." Stalin's Mom hits Stalin in the back of the head, "Ioseb you're being rude to your guest, its not like hes a Uzbek." Queue the laugh track, rimshot and Kat Dennings effusive cleavage. Had to make a reference to 2 Broke Girls because that is the kind of mathematical sitcom form that would work.
Kat Dennings
STALIN, would work for CBS. NBC likes the handheld camera and monkey doctor thing. FOX if Married with Children was still on. ABC is too family oriented and may not get such a dark storyline. Cartoon Network is too lazy and approves anything that came out of an improv skit.
STAY TUNED FOR CASTING IN LATER POSTS...Rowan Atkinson? Charlie Sheen?
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