25 October 2012

Blogging: People actually take this seriously?

Upon receiving my first strongly worded comments on this blog, more specifically about my patented bridge hate, I remain surprised how seriously people take blogging and in a general sense the internet itself.  For those of us who troll on youtube comment boards on Billy Ocean videos from 1988, tweet every waking thought, photograph their meals for instagram and status update their unfortunate bus ride or new hipster sport they have created.......please realize how absurd life has become if this is how we bide our time and communicate with strangers and friends. 

We are the generation that can't.  The internet owns us and forces us to behave in counter instinctual ways.  I don't need to socialize every night with all 350 friends and circles.  Where is the time for work or sleep?

When famous people and artists tweet offensive things, let it go, its not worth correcting.  Lena Dunham and her 3 million book deal can say whatever she wants on twitter about victims of Canadian serial killers.  When there is no hockey Canadians get agitated.  If the internet has offended you holden caulfield i think its time to sit this life out because its not going to get fair anytime soon and the phonies are going to win.  The next life is anyones guess.

I am a hypocrite and lost in a world of perpetual boredom that requires me to seek attention and self-promote myself until I am a talentless multimillionaire like Dane Cook.  Punchlines and conclusions to stories are overrated anyways.  I am not surrendering to the mores of today, its more like adaptation to my changing surroundings in order to exploit it for my benefit.  My reach may exceed my grasp, but what's heaven for?  to plagiarize and paraphrase a poem line and a film.

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